“Wedang Uwuh” is a traditional beverage exclusively served for the royal family of Yogyakarta and Surakarta kingdoms. The popular term of “wedang uwuh” literally means “drink of garbage”. It is named so because the materials are actually the garbage of leaves and tree barks. Some ginger is added. Such a name is actually considered improper because historically, in the past, only the kings and their family could drink the beverage, because its ingredients were exclusively found in the royal graveyards. Nobody was allowed to take the materials; even the keepers.
Presently, this special beverage is sold for public in the vicinity of the Royal Cemetery of Imogiri for only Rp. 1.000,- The special material that differentiate the original product from the fake product is that the clove leaves are collected from the royal cemetery of Imogiri. The flavor is very unique.
It is better that the beverage is served hot. Additional crystal sugar is advisable.
To share experience, opinion, idea, and knowledge about Jogja Indonesia
Jogja is the name that is always related to the ancient life of the former kingdom of Mataram. In its modern face, Jogja has undergone transformation of some of its aspects of life, while maintaining some others.
The Javanese language, which was one of the ancient prides with its unique letters and transcription, has almost been unspoken in urban areas. It is only spoken in royal ceremonies.
As a modern town, the town is characterized by 'modern' attitudes and behaviors. Politeness is rare among the young people. Traffic is crowded by 'hurried' people who try to compete for narrow spaces.
Cultural heritages are decreasing in number. Traditional clothes are only worn in ceremonial purposes.
Well, global transformation is in process now, and all we can do is reserving what is good and leaving what is bad. Despite the cultural deterioration, Jogja keeps its enchanting cultural uniqueness and beautiful traditional scenes. If we love Jogja, then we live it, we love it, and we look it after.
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